The creator of the chosen art piece, an American artist Keith Haring, raises critical social issues in his works. The drawing depicts three men covering their eyes, ears, and mouth and contains a brief but memorable slogan that sends a clear message not to ignore the problem of people suffering HIV/AIDS. The vibrant colors of the poster make the viewer draw particular attention to it and consider the issue. Therefore, I find the drawing most suitable to represent the topic of HIV/AIDS youth awareness. 

Since Keith Haring was a gay man struggling with AIDS himself, he embedded the reference to the gay community in his work. The pink triangle in the bottom line of the poster was its sign. The artist appealed to social prejudices claiming AIDS to be gay cancer or gay-related immune deficiency (Public Health). Such a stereotype based on past findings that young gay men most tend to receive HIV diagnosis. Although researchers identified the disease to be sexually transmitted and caused by using dirty needles, the social bias remained.

The drawing represents the social silence and ignorance of the HIV/AIDS matter. The words “IGNORANCE = FEAR” mean social and governmental attitudes for individuals suffering from a disease. People are frightened to admit they cannot treat the illness growing into an epidemic. The inscription “SILENCE = DEATH” refers to the population facing HIV/AIDS that hides the problem from the community not to be judged and rejected even though such behavior prevents the community from acknowledging the threat and being cautious.
