The life course perspective looks at interdependent phycological, biological, and social factors that shape human lives during their lifespan (Hutchison). This piece of art by Keith Haring addresses the social part of the life course since it reveals the social context of problems at that period. The drawing influences the perceiving of the HIV/AIDS issue, shifting individuals’ attitudes to it from misunderstanding and fear to being curious and acknowledged of the epidemic. Moreover, it makes people tackling the disease change their mindset and openly talk about the problem to save others’ lives.

 The most suitable approach to explore the posters’ central topics is the social constructionist perspective (Hutchison). Since people create a sense of self through social interactions, the individuals with HIV/AIDS diagnosis can feel abandoned to struggle their hardships alone because of society’s unwillingness to raise the unpleasant issue. Nonetheless, humans should build their social reality on the ground of shared understanding and acceptance. Thus, people should modify the significance of HIV/AIDS awareness through sustainable communication and interaction within communities to provide support to individuals suffering from illness and stop the epidemic from spreading.
